The 2019 Poole Town Cricket Club took place on Friday 24th January 2020 at the pavilion with thanks to all who attended.
The AGM is an annual event that gives club members the chance to review the previous year, discuss and vote on issues and elect club officers, committee members and team captains for the coming year with the struture for the 2020 season being as follows.
Club Officers & Committee Members
President - Peter Dooker
Chairman of Vice Presidents - David Robinson
Vice Presidents -
Patron - Andy Baker
Chairman - Nick Williams
Vice Chairman - Daivd Miller
Secretary - Andrew Milner
Treasurer - Nick Heckford
Communications & Sponsorship - Craig Rochford
Social Secretary - Ben Pocknell
Chairman of Youth Section - Nick Williams
Poole Old Grammarians Rep - Nigel Williams
Welfare Officers - John MacDiarmid & Teresa Heckford
Club Captains
Poole Town 1st XI - David Miller
Poole Town 2nd XI - Robin Lutman
Poole Town 3rd XI - Kevin Wrigley
Poole Town 4th XI - Position Vacant
The club is indebted to all it's volunteers throughout the adults and junior sections and the time and efforts given by all.