Club Officers

For general matters please contact:
Club Secretary
Andy Milner
Address: 15a Fernside Road, Poole, BH15 2QT.
Tel: 07908687631
Email: milner0205@gmail.com
Club Chairman
Nick Williams
Tel: 07703 496222
Email: nicko.williams@yahoo.co.uk
Club Treasurer
Nick Heckford
Address: 20 Sandhills Close, Poole, BH17 9BN.
Tel: 07989 980617
Email: nick.heckford@btinternet.com
Club Patron
Dr Amanda Smith​
Headteacher - Poole Grammar School
Matt Keech
Tel: 07472 376173
Email: keechmj@hotmail.co.uk
Womans & Girls Section Officer
Michelle Keohan
Tel: 07867 505851
Other Officers:
Dave Miller
Tel: 07879 628546
Email: david-miller4@sky.com
Youth Section Chairman
Matt Keech
Tel: 07472 376173
Email: keechmj@hotmail.co.uk
Social Secretary
Kelly Reed and Caroline Boyd
Tel: 07510 972143-07745 211820
Email: carolineboyd@talk21.com
Club Safeguarding Officers
John MacDiarmid
Tel: 07906 756791
Email: themacsatpoole@gmail.com
Caroline Boyd
Tel: 07745 211820
Email: carolineboyd@talk21.com
Sponsorship Secretary
James Young
Tel: 07484 719437
Chairman of Vice Presidents
Dave Robinson​
Poole Old Grammarians Representatives
Nigel Williams
Tim Hall
Team Captains:
Club Captain
Joe Wilson
Tel: 07927 296424
Email: joe.wilson8@btinternet.com
Sat 1st XI - Dorset Premier League
Skipper - Jordan Betts
Manager - Joe Wilson
Tel: 07927 296424
Email: joe.wilson8@btinternet.com
Sat 2nd XI - Dorset League Division 1
Skipper -
Sat 3rd XI - Dorset League Division 3
Skipper - Andy O'Sullivan
Tel: 07456 429008
Sat 4th XI - Dorset League Division 5
Skipper - James Abel and Tim Wright
Tel: 07974 115213 - 07740 734834
Sat 5th XI - Dorset League Division 7
Skipper - Matt Reed
Email: matthewpgreed@gmail.com
Midweek XI - Wimborne Evening League
Skipper - Ben Wright
Junior Section Club Officers
Junior Section Secretary & Membership
Julian Boyd
Tel: 07808 828644
Email: julian.boyd3@btinternet.com
Junior Section Chairman
Matt Reed
Email: matthewpgreed@gmail.com
Juniors Treasurer
Nick Williams
Tel: 07703 496222
Email: nicko.williams@yahoo.co.uk
Sponsorship and Website
Craig Rochford
Tel: 07828 977446
Email: pooletownuniors@gmail.com
Junior Social Secretary
Caroline Boyd
Tel: 07745 211820
Email: carolineboyd@talk21.com
Junior Head Coach
Joey Wormington
Tel: 07528 422174
Email: joeywormington@hotmail.co.uk
Club Welfare Officers
Rev. John MacDiarmid
Tel: 07906 759791
Email: john@poolechristianfellowship.org
Mrs Teresa Heckford
Tel: 07989 980632
Email: teresa.heckford@tiscali.co.uk
Junior to Adult Liason
Craig Rochford
Tel: 07828 977446
Email: pooletownjuniors@gmail.com
© Poole Town Cricket Club 2020 All rights reserved.