Dear Players, Parents, Guardians & Coaches
Following yesterday’s government announcement & subsequent recommendations on managing the Coronavirus, we wish to confirm that it is our intention to continue with our planned winter nets program for adult and junior players at Carter Community School.
We do however ask that a common sense approach toward containing the virus is upheld at all times and that if you feel unwell and are showing signs and or symptoms consistent with what has been, then please do stay away from group environments not only with Poole Town CC but in general. With the situation having a potential for change we will keep members up to date with any changes that may come in to effect from Government, our facilities provider in Carter Community School or Dorset Cricket Board.
As Carter Community School primary function is an educational facility please see guidance below for advice on using the facility.

We will be insisting that any players and coaches attending sessions wash their hands with warm water and soap both prior to sessions starting and upon completion of training.
Further government advice can be found here
Of course should you choose to not wish to attend any sessions we are respectful and understanding of your wishes.
Best Wishes
Poole Town CC Committee